


All content of this website, including text, images and music, is © Dixon Hill 2009-2012. Feel free to link to the site but, if you'd like to use anything you find here, please ask first.


Monday Meditation (20)

Meditation 20



 ‘A beautiful flower begins its life in the dirt.’




The Art of Lomi Lomi

The Blessing


Josephine Borg came into my life in the most serendipitous way (always the best way to meet).  Within five minutes of deciding I could do with a massage, this gorgeous soul and amazing therapist had started following me on Twitter.  When I discovered she lived only an hour from me, I knew this was meant to be.

Jo specialises in Lomi Lomi – a holistic form of massage that originates from Hawaii and is deeply rooted in the spirit of Aloha.  It’s like a beautiful, flowing dance – as much a spiritual experience as a physical one – and totally unlike any form of massage you’ve encountered before.  It’s also utterly blissful.

Jo ends her sessions with some form of the the blessing above.  She was taught it by its originator, Carrie Rowell – from whom she also learned the art of Lomi Lomi.

Jo will be my guest on Changing Places this coming Wednesday, so do check back then.  I’d love to introduce you to her.


The Wisdom of the Sweet Bird

The Sweet Bird


(A waterfall of the purest notes tumbled from its throat, on and on….)


There’s always something to sing about.


Changing Places: Suzie Althens on South Africa



My husband and I traveled from our home in Alaska to South Africa in 2003. In mid-March we flew from snowy Glacier View to sunny and warm Cape Town. You can't get farther away in the world from Alaska than South Africa. Before leaving home, we made reservations for our first two night's lodging at a bed and breakfast in a small town near Cape Town. We took our host's recommendations for the next destination and repeated that pattern for two weeks.

We talked to people about the political situation and the lifting of apartheid. Discussions of Nelson Mandela were always full of respect for this amazing man.

Before this trip, we wrongly thought the wealthy white people of South Africa were neglecting the poor Black and Colored population (two very distinct races), but we found most white people trying to help ease the 30 per cent unemployment and poverty in their neighborhoods.

South Africa opened my eyes to see that poverty can be relieved by many people reaching out to help in small ways by creating jobs, teaching skills or donating food and clothing. Instead of depending on the government to bring about change, citizens were helping those in their sphere of influence. Their attitude isn't about fixing everything overnight, but creating opportunity by helping a few and not being paralyzed by the overwhelming problems of unemployment and AIDS. I learned that big change comes with efforts from several sources and also that helping people isn't about giving them money. It takes wisdom to effectively help poor people and to help them make baby steps out of poverty.

We returned to South Africa for several months out of four winters trying to help in small ways. My favorite memory is of jogging through Swellendam in the cool morning as people walked from their homes to work. Lovely smiles and “good morning” in Afrikaans and English greeted me every day. South Africa is a beautiful country full of beautiful, warm people.



Suzie is an artist (I love her watercolours!).  She lives near the Matanuska Glacier in Alaska – and 50 miles from the nearest store!  Explore her world at Creating in Alaska.

Changing Places is a guest post series about the power of place to change us.  You can find other stories in this series here.  If you’d like to share your story, please contact me for submission details.


Poor Little Great Tit



On our very first evening back at Dixon Hill, this little one flew into the window and broke her neck.  I was so upset.

I found her lying on her back on the terrace.  Looking perfect.  Her feathers so soft and pretty.  I picked her up and laid her in the ivy hedge – a green, bowery resting place.  Next morning she was gone.

Hope she’s flying around a magical woodland somewhere…