The White Doe
I'd been told there was a white deer in the valley. And I've been watching for her for months now….straining my eyes across far away fields, presuming that - if I saw her at all - it would be at a distance.
Then this morning, there she was - right by the roadside. I stopped the car and pulled out my iPhone. Not daring to get out in case I startled her, I wound down the window.
A few moments later there was movement further back in the woods….and there was her fawn - a spotted brown beauty, born last year.
The creatures with whom I share this valley astound me. Hooves and paws and feet treading the same grass and heather as I do, yet stealthily, secretively, so often unnoticed. Parallel lives.
But today I saw the white fallow doe. Now I just want to set eyes on that wild wallaby...