


All content of this website, including text, images and music, is © Dixon Hill 2009-2012. Feel free to link to the site but, if you'd like to use anything you find here, please ask first.



The balmy spring weather has created such fantastic reflections in the reservoir that I just had to break out of my usual thrice-weekly posting schedule to share this with you.

Wishing you pockets of deep calm this weekend...

Cheering Them On...

Five of the ten women who sewed the quilt.  From left to right: Joanne, Melanie, Vicky, Susan and Jane.

When I left England to live in the States, a few of my friends painstakingly stitched a quilt as a parting gift for me. Most of them had never tried their hands at patchwork before, yet they created a true heirloom. Their beautiful present hung on the wall in my Arkansas home for the three years I lived there, reminding me that I was loved and remembered.

The girls kept stitching after my quilt was done. And more friends joined their number. Today, the local newspaper turned up to photograph their latest creation (pictured above) - a gorgeous quilt of their own design which is to be raffled to raise money for The Children’s Society.

I’m planning to be first in line for tickets. And cheering them all the way.

A Ring for Remembrance

So what exactly have I been doing in New York?

Answer: Attending a writing retreat run by the amazing Jen Lee.

I crossed the Atlantic last week with anticipation but few expectations. I didn’t want to set myself up for disappointment. But disappointment was not on the agenda. This gathering of sixteen strong and beautiful women delivered the goods in spadefuls.

Together we shifted boundaries and blasted open the doors of possibility. We told stories with laughter and received tales with tears. We revelled in companionship and support of the highest order. And moved into our futures with courage and with hope.

When an experience is as profound as this one was, I find it’s useful to keep a physical token of what’s happened - a sort of proof that it was real. And when, during my last hours in New York City, I came across a turquoise ring at the Brooklyn Flea, I knew I’d found my symbol.

Inexpensive and of little value to anyone else, this ring now holds immense significance for me. It’s a reminder of truths discovered and intentions stated; a prompt to be brave and resolute; a tangible, solid entity I can touch….and know I’m cradled by the energy of incredible women.

Jen is holding another retreat in April. If it calls to you, go. You won’t be sorry. It could just change your life.

Land of Slush and Snow

land of slush

Happy Sunday from a very snowy and slushy Brooklyn!

New York, New York!

New York

I'm in New York!

And, with a few hours to spare, I headed off this morning to two places that have long been on my 'Want to Visit' list.

First stop, Purl Soho - the little yarn mecca behind the lovely aqua shopfront.  Purl carries a magical selection of natural yarns in all the colours of the rainbow (and more).  After sitting for a time and knitting up a swatch amidst the bustle and friendliness, I now have a small stash of jade-coloured cashmere to keep my fingers busy throughout the rest of my trip.

Next port of call, Pure Food and Wine - or rather the take-away attached to this gourmet raw food restaurant.  My haul of goodies here included fresh green juice (which went by the peculiar title of Swan Greens) and heart-shaped gingerbread cookies.  Which, having shared vicariously with you, I'm now about to polish off!

More from New York anon...