


All content of this website, including text, images and music, is © Dixon Hill 2009-2012. Feel free to link to the site but, if you'd like to use anything you find here, please ask first.


Extravagant Living

extravagant living

I've just bought a bunch of white roses.

Nothing unusual in that.  I always have flowers in the house.  And these, despite their opulence, were inexpensive and cost no more than I usually spend.

So what's the story?

Well, usually, a bunch as large as this would sit on the kitchen table.  Or have pride of place in the sitting-room.  But instead I've put them in the bathroom - purposely because having a big jug of roses in my tiny bathroom feels ludicrously decadent.  Makes them even more of a treat.

What gesture of extravagance will you lavish on YOU this weekend?

Awakening to Spring

awakening to spring

It’s been balmy and sunny and spring-like this week. The temperatures have risen comfortably above freezing and the skies are blue. Suddenly the long, snow-filled winter seems a distant memory. Lambs are playing in the fields, and snowdrops and crocuses are blooming freely.

To celebrate this heady shift in the seasons, we took off to a neighbouring valley today. There we scrambled along the river that winds through woodland until we reached the old mill. Then we left the water behind and climbed up through the trees and onto ‘the tops’.

We shed our coats as we walked and basked in the unaccustomed sunshine. When we lost our way, we really didn’t care. We were buoyed by the warmth and the light and that primeval soaring of the spirits that comes each year with the first scent of spring.

Wherever you are today, I’m wishing you blue skies, too.

Treasures from my Travels

treasures from my travels

Sometimes I take a trip and come home with no souvenirs of any kind.

Not so this time!  Here are a few of the goodies I brought back from New York.


Hat and wristwarmers from Flirt boutique in Brooklyn.  Ring from the Brooklyn Flea.

Bottom left:

Paperblanks journal.

Bottom centre:

Cashmere yarn from Purl.

Bottom right:

A chartreuse green toothbrush (my favourite colour at the moment!).

A Parting Gift.....and a Welcome Present

So after the flock of hens I've had charge of all winter had moved on to pastures new yesterday, I found a parting gift of three last eggs.  Thank you, girls!

I didn't expect the new pullets to start laying for a while yet; but, when I went to shut them up for the first time this evening, there was a beautiful, dark brown egg waiting for me.  It wasn't in the nesting boxes but lying right by the door - as if the hen who laid it wanted to make sure I found it.

We're off to a happy start.  I know we're going to get along just fine.


One Lucky Cockerel

one  lucky cockerel

Yesterday he said goodbye to the thirty or so feathered ladies who've kept him company all winter.

Today he agreed to share his roost with three new flamboyant females.

I'll bet there's many a man wishes he could acquire (or dispense with) a harem as easily as that!