The Power Of A Voice
As a consequence of having a cold this week, I’ve lost my voice. Completely. Which gave rise to a strangely unnerving incident last night.
Joss, the dog, needed to go outside. So out we went - into the most terrific of storms. The winds were violent. And, as I stood waiting for Joss, one particularly vicious gust knocked me clean off my feet and blew me over.
I let out an involuntary scream….except nothing came out. Just the tiniest, strangled sound that only a mouse less than six inches away could have heard.
In that moment, I realised the power of a voice….and how desperate it must be to be without one. A voice is the means by which we call for help, cry out in pain, demand attention, plead our cause. Without a voice, we risk becoming helpless. Invisible. Passed by.
There are so many people in this world who, in different ways, have no voice. And I’m definitely starting this new year more mindful of them.