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The Railway Children

Railway Children

I love watching films.  They’re my primary indulgence, the treat with which I reward myself when treats are called for.  The small excitement I look forward to all week long.

The weather has been truly vile today.  Added to that, I have a stinking cold.  Both things called for some major holing up.  Great!  Film time!

Of course, today’s film had to be a happy one.  And something very light.  So I revisited The Railway Children (the original version).

This children’s classic was shot round here.  I recognise most of the locations used in the film, which makes it all the more special.  It’s a cinematic gem and, despite its essentially happy nature, I always cry at the end.  Every time.  Without exception.  But that just proves its worth!

So I’ve spent a happy afternoon in the company of Bobby, Phyllis and Peter, spotting familiar landmarks and well-known views.

The absolute perfect antidote to driving hailstones and a bunged up nose.  Winking smile

Reader Comments (3)

Great viewing choices, Helen! Such films always lift when one is under the weather. I find film viewing easier than reading when sick. Do hope you feel much better soon. We've been battered with terrible storms here in Norway too--the scary wind & rain just keeps driving. Lovely New Year post you had previously...such a beautiful image to go with your greeting. I have some plans for the new year, and plan to share more next week. Just surfacing from jet lag after our Christmas trip and getting back on track. Wising you all the best in 2012, Helen... and here's to another great creative year! :o) ((HUGS))

January 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTracy

Perhaps you should have written that the point where you always cry is when Bobby catches sight of her father through the smoke on the station platform after missing him for so long - probably because you've been a daddy's girl all your life!

January 4, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterjeand

[...] a line from The Railway Children – the film I watched last week – floats back to me.  ‘I wonder if the railway misses us?’ wonders Phyllis, after the [...]

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