Squam Highlights, September 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 at 12:15 AM
Girly road trip to kick things off
Lunch at Z restaurant and a perfect welcome from owner/chef Tom Puskarich
Arriving at SAW with friends (Kate and Jen)
Christopher Frost’s Sticks and Stones class
Lazing on the dock, watching the sunset
Afternoon swimming in the lake
Skinny dipping under cover of darkness
Meeting up with former Squammie and friend, Danielle, at Saturday’s art fair
Making new friends
Sweet potato chips and soup at The Common Man in Ashland
Inspiration from Flora Bowley (even though I didn’t get to take her class)
Clothes shopping at Wholly Tara
Making clay vases in the woods and discovering, next day, that nature had filled them with water in the night
Great Squam food (as always)