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Unravelling Further

unravelling further

Nothing grounds me more easily or more quickly than paying attention to my senses.  Sometimes, when my thoughts are whizzing off like fireworks in a hundred different directions at once, or when I'm feeling overwhelmed or stressed, I'll pause and ask myself (in no particular order):

What can I see right now?

What can I hear right now?

What can I feel right now?

What can I smell right now?

What can I taste right now?

And there I am: rooted once more, living fully in the only place any of us can ever truly live - the present moment.

This summer, I took Susannah Conway's UNRAVELLING e-course.  It was far and away the best online course I've done.  It brought together an amazingly supportive group of creative women, who cheered each other on through the eight week exploration of ourselves and our individual worlds.  The programme, which uses photography and writing as tools for its excavating, can be dipped in and out of as time allows.  There's no competition or assessment; there are no deadlines.  You can share as much or as little as you choose.  The course was a joy and I highly recommend it.

Today, I'm excited to be starting the follow-up to UNRAVELLING - Susannah's first ever UNRAVELLING FURTHER class.  This one is a six week rollick in the sensual....and I can't wait to get rollicking.  My eyes, ears, nose, tastebuds and touchbuds are all on their marks and raring to go.  And I'm sure some of the photos will find their way here over the next few weeks.

For more information on Susannah's UNRAVELLING courses, go to:

Reader Comments (4)

Oh thank you so much for sharing your experience in this UNRAVELLING class! I want to sign up for it too but have yet to do sounds like a really inspirational course! Have fun in your unrevelling futher and i hope you will share your journey with us in this course! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to yoU!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterjacqueline

I love that you loved it... and most of all, i loved meeting you in September! You are truly gorgeous, inside & out xo

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterSusannah

My dear Nell,
I've thoroughly enjoyed reading every single blog and love all the wonderful pictures that went along. I love your artistry and creativity, coming through so beautifully in your writing, photography, your recipes, piano playing, and even your choice of cleaning supplies! I love it! Yes, you do inspire.

Have fun CREATING space: Nell 1; boxes 0.

I will eagerly follow your blog.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterRosanna

Hi Nell: We've missed you since you moved back to your home. I loved your playing the piano in the glass cathedral before you left. Read every word on your blog because it was so interesting and your Mother's hands were lovely with the writing that went along with them. How wonderful!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterAlene

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