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Becoming Real

becoming real

So I’m discovering, as I’m crafting the little pieces for this blog, that writing things down makes them real…..lends them more significance.

If you’re like me, there are days in life (happily, not that frequent J ) when you feel like a nobody. Like you’ve got precisely nowhere in life. But that, in contrast, there are people out there whose lives are full of good ideas and wisdom and cleverness and important stuff. People whose lives are colourful and exciting and filled with purpose..….little beacons of light. And I’m not talking about the great and the good. Just your friends; people whose blogs you read; folk you ran into at that last art retreat you attended…..(hmm).

So here’s a little exercise for you. Next time you’re feeling this way (if indeed you do…..or am I the only one in the universe who ever does?), write down a few facts about yourself…..and see if you don’t blossom into a somebody before your very eyes. Not a heroine or a leader or a rock star…..but a somebody. An interesting somebody. Interesting, at least, to you. Which is a very good thing, given that you have to live with yourself 24 hours a day for the rest of your life.

Try it. Next time you’re feeling monochrome and dull or insignificant, just list a few bald facts about you. And watch yourself turning into a real, live person on the page or screen before you. Possibly even a fascinating, quirky, deeply interesting individual. Who you would like to know.

Pleased to meet you! Now go look in the bathroom mirror and say hello to your new best friend.

Reader Comments (8)

thank you for this wise, encouraging, thoughtful post. you are a healing being...
i heart your hand*writing.
big hugs from here to there,

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commentergem

Wonderful post. I can say this definitely is true about writing things down. I've kept a journal since I was 13 and initially, I thought I was one that just blended in with my surroundings, but journaling has made me realize what was unique about myself, boosted my confidence and allowed me to focus on reaching my goals. Thanks for the inspiring post!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterDihtri

pssst. . . I find YOU so very interesting!
It's so true-- writing the real. I'm digging out my fountain pen, actually. . . plotting a keyboard vacation.
I thought of you in the Mrs. Meyers aisle yesterday.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterdanielle

Oh, this sounds like an excellant idea - I will try it - I do feel that same feeling you described more than I would like to admit!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterhope | paper relics

ohmygoodnessgracious, i love your handwriting!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenteringrid

This is such a cool inspiring post! I am a list maker and i love to doodle and write small little things on how i feel each time i open my little journal. But this have never cross my mind that when i am feeling down writting can help ease and motivate me! Thank you soo much for such a wonderful suggestion! Love to you!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterjacqueline

I write about what I see right in front of me - the most seemingly mundane things, or the way the light is moving across the lawn, and in the describing, in the finding of just the right words, I find some power in my vision, however small it may be that day. It is, as you say, the act of writing it down that makes it real.

Terrific post! :)

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterDebi

Loving your thoughts and beautiful pictures. It is amazing to write these things down because many things happen when you do. You find that in the ordinary you really are extra-ordinary AND, you find that others relate to so much of it. The "small" or insignificant things to you become treasure and depth to who you really are. They create the uniqueness of each and every one of us. I love that.

Wonderful thoughts. Thank you.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterKellen

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