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The Slug and the Caterpillar


A slug and a caterpillar have taken up residence in my camera. They show no signs of moving. Must be cosy in there.

Okay then, we’re talking a picture of a slug and a picture of a caterpillar. Not the real live slithery things. But just as odd. Because despite having erased all photos from the camera’s memory numerous times, the slug and the caterpillar remain. They never download along with more recently taken photographs. Just stay inside the camera and show up on playback.

I’ve clearly done something at some point to imprint these images on the SD card and there they will remain forevermore. I’m sure that someone more experienced in photography than I am could tell me exactly what I’ve done and even - possibly - how to reverse it. But you know what? I don’t want to know. I’ve got used to the company of these tubular creatures whenever I’m wielding my camera and would rather miss them were they to depart.

So just remember in future. All photos on this blog are brought to you courtesy of Helen, a slug and a caterpillar.

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Reader Comments (3)

In nature a repulsive caterpillar turns into a lovely butterfly.
But with humans it is the other way around:
a lovely butterfly turns into a repulsive caterpillar.
- Chekhov
Snails don't walk.
They slither and slide
Along wet pathways
Gleam and glide,
Squeezed between
The grasses green,
Polished houses shell-like gleam.
- Theresa Heine
poems on slugs are tougher to find:
Now yesterday I planted out
My annuals in a bed laid out
I went to take a look today
But find my annuals gone away
What evil in my garden walks?
All I see are marigold stalks
Now I see the trails of slime
I know who did this awful crime
Not creepy crawlies or even bugs
But evil little snails and slugs.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterMarySunshine

The geek in me believes she knows why you didn't manage to erase the slug and the catepillar from your camera. But I won't tell. The critters are safe!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterRosanna

Thank you for the poems and quotation, Mary! What a lovely addition to my post!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterDixon Hill Girl

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