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A Tiny Tale: The Raindrop

tiny taleOnce upon a time there was a large, dry hollow in the earth. Until, one day, a raindrop fell from the sky. Moments later, it was followed by another. And after that, one more. A tiny trickle of water meandered its way across the ground.

More raindrops fell. One by one by one. And soon there was a small puddle.

Another raindrop fell to earth. And, look! Another! Another! Soon the puddle turned into a rivulet, winding its way over the parched land.

Raindrops continued to stream down. Single drop by single drop. And, in time, the rivulet grew to be a pond.

Yet more drops appeared to join the rising water. And so the pond widened and deepened and became a lake.

Still another drop fell. And another. And another. The lake became a sea.

On came the raindrops! Drop upon drop upon drop falling from the heavens. So now the sea swelled to a mighty ocean.

And that mighty ocean was made up of millions upon millions of single drops of water. All collected together.

And the roar of the ocean was tremendous. And the power of the ocean was awesome. And the sight of the ocean was balm for the soul. And the scent of the ocean refreshed all who drew breath.

Every tiny drop counts. Together we can make a difference. To make a donation to the aid appeal for Haiti go to the DEC website.

Reader Comments (5)

Your analogy is lovely and on the mark dear Helen. I have already contributed to the Intl. Red Cross. I was not sure whether to send to Doctors Without Borders or the Red Cross, then decided for the latter. Thank you for your heartfelt and thoughtful message for us and those such dire straights in Haiti.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterMarySunshine

There are times when you feel so helpless. You can think that your efforts are so insignificant. I am pleased you have made me think of how when joining others in our efforts we can be an amazing force for good. Thank you.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterMonica

I love the way you have expressed this. Sometimes we feel so small and helpless but there's no doubt that together we can make this happen. God bless.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterjeand

what a beautiful way to describe how every little bit counts... it's just oh so true.... and what a lovely photo you chose to go along with your wonderful words. love to you!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterali dejohn

Hi! I have just been catching up on all of your posts since the last time that I visited your lovely site and I needed to tell you how much your words in each post touch my heart. You have a beautiful writing style that speaks to the core of things, and when combined with your amazing photos the effect really becomes a work of art! I especially love the post on faith and this post that is poetry about water...and that photo of the drop...amazing! xo

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterFaith

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