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Craft Hope

craft hope

A week ago I’d never heard of Craft Hope; but then the online creative community became all abuzz with support for this fantastic initiative. So much support that the girls there have been swamped in the best possible way.

In response to the earthquake in Haiti and wanting to send money, rather than the made items they usually send to projects around the world, the folk at Craft Hope opened an Etsy shop. They asked the crafting community to donate handmade goods to sell in the shop….and have been totally overwhelmed by the response. To date, they’ve sold over a thousand items and raised more than $20,000! In fact, they’ve had so many beautiful and lovingly-made gifts sent their way that they’ve temporarily had to close the doors to new treasures, while they clear the backlog and get systems in place to deal with this avalanche of compassion.

But the shop is still open for business. So click the button above (the Craft Hope for Haiti image) and have a good browse. Every last cent of whatever you purchase will go to help the work of Doctors Without Borders for people whose lives have been riven apart and who so desperately need our help.

Reader Comments (3)

It's this wonderful?! They are doing the most tremendous good thing at Craft Hope. I was happy to create and item for donation, and was very pleased it sold quickly. Every bit helps! :o)

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterTracy

I posted Craft Hope link in my Facebook too!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterRosanna

Craft hope is amazing! It's really wonderful seeing people coming together to help. Have a lovely merry happy weekend and love to yoU!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterJacqueline

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