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A Year of...

a year of....

At the start of 2008 my friend, Emma, declared the coming twelve months a Year of Culture. She and a friend had decided that their lives were rather sorry in that area, so they planned to attend as many concerts, plays, ballets and operas as they had time and money for. Galleries, museums and historic houses all got a look in. Emma even managed a weekend in Rome.

I lighted on the idea with all the glee of a magpie finding the Crown Jewels. I love such schemes. And so I gaily concocted other ‘years’ that, in hindsight, would separate one twelve month period from another. ‘Ah,’ folk would say, ‘that happened during my Year of Tiddlywinks!’

Emma made up a scrapbook as the year wore on so that she would forever be able to leaf over memories of a year that stood out from the rest. The images above are taken from it.

So, whilst some of us are focusing on our word for the year and looking for meaningful progress or deep change in our lives, I’m offering a more frivolous adjunct or alternative. This is not so much about changing your life as enriching it. The permutations are endless and I could bore you for inches and inches with possibilities; but I’ll refrain and just give you four variations to kick you off. If the concept tickles your fancy, take your pick from these or come up with one of your own.

You don’t have to do everything in each list, of course. Just choose what appeals or what’s possible and add your own bright ideas into the mix. And let us know in the comments below what your ideal ‘year’ would be.

A Year of Food

Sample as many unfamiliar types of cuisine as you can during the year

Try out one new recipe each week

Take a cookery class of some kind

Make ‘foodie’ birthday presents for friends and family

Forage for wild food

Eat out once a week/month at a different restaurant each time

Shop at farmers’ markets or in small, local stores

Explore specialist foods available only by mail order

Go on a gourmet tasting holiday

Take out a food magazine subscription

Volunteer to deliver meals-on-wheels

Back a campaign for better quality food

Throw a food-tasting event for charity

Grow some of your own grub

A Local Year

Make frequent detours to drive down roads you’ve never driven down before

Read up on local history

Patronise local events

Shop in your own neighbourhood

Visit all the places strangers would visit if they came to your neck-of-the-woods

Eat locally-grown food

Set up or join a community group of some kind

Become an avid reader of the local newspaper

Take photographs and compile a record of a year in your village/town/city

Sign up to your local Freecycle group

A Year of Nature

Create a wild garden

Learn to identify birdsong

Go on a wildflower walk

Keep hens

Eat wild greens, pick berries, bottle elderflower cordial or sloe gin

Feed the birds

Keep a nature journal to record your patch of earth at different times of the year

Learn to recognise local animal tracks and dwellings

Let nature inspire your current creative expression

Create a nature table in a corner of your home

An English Year (substitute the country in which you live or have an English year regardless of where you live on the globe!)

Take weekend trips to parts of the country you don’t know

Throw a garden party

Read English novels and poetry

Visit Wimbledon, Ascot or Henley

Take afternoon tea each day

Listen to lots of Elgar and William Walton

Learn the rules of cricket (tee hee)

Celebrate not just Bonfire Night but lesser-known dates and traditions

Go to a Prom concert

Book to see a pantomime at Christmas

Visit well-known gardens or spend time tending your own

Investigate English folk music

Remember St. George’s Day

Talk incessantly about the weather

Drink lots of tea!

Reader Comments (3)

if you have not read EAT, PRAY, LOVE by Elizabeth Gilbert try to do so. She lived and wrote of one year of her life wherein she did the former three. It was a very good read. Soon to be a movie I think, but books are always better. Perhaps my year shall be a year of books, or perhaps of EXPLORATION. Yes, I think 2010 shall be my year of Explorations. Like Christopher Robin, i do love a good explore.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterMarySunshine

Oh my this is such a wonderful wonderful idea! I am going thru the list and still deciding. :) Have a lovely merry happy day and love to yoU!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterjacqueline

I absolutely love this idea!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterab

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