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The Amazing Gurgling Pot

the amazing gurgling pot

It's bottled!  Today I lifted the lid on the wondrous fermenting pot and decanted three full jars of glowing, ruby red sauerkraut.  And it tastes great!  Sweet and sharp.  Far, far nicer than any commercial sauerkraut I've ever had.

But the best bit...the absolute bestest bit of all...was the gurgling.  You HAVE to get one of these pots!  Even if you don't like sauerkraut!!  Because for the first week or so, every few minutes it would emit the most delightful-sounding gurgle you ever heard.  A true gurgly gurgle.  The very essence of gurgliness.

It was sad when the gurgling ceased; but the fermenting continued, and now I have three jars of cultured goodness to bless me with that feeling of smug satisfaction that comes only from preserving and bottling and putting up stores.

Can't wait to start the next batch.  That's a whole new week of gurgling to look forward to. J

The amazing gurgling pots are available from Peppermint Health in the UK; and from Amazon in the US.

Reader Comments (4)

oh that looks so yummy! what will you eat it with? what other veggies will you pickle?!? you are inspiring me to learn more about this process!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterali

Think I'll eat it with pretty much anything! At the moment, it's mostly spoonfuls sneaked straight out of the jar! :)

What else will I try? Carrots next, I think...

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterDixon Hill Girl

What a multisensory experience. ... the jar speaks to you. I wonder what it is saying! I think carrots will be amazing - I think if you add garlic and onion seeds it will make a lovely spicy pickle.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterMonica

Well done Helen! I also enjoyed the glimpse of the hyacinth in the background. They are a winter favorite. I kept a blooming pot of them beside my bed the entire winter I lived in paris. I"d stop at the corner florist and buy a new pot when that one was spent. I love that heady fragrance. Good memories associated with the fragrance too.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterMarySunshine

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