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Extravagant Living

extravagant living

I've just bought a bunch of white roses.

Nothing unusual in that.  I always have flowers in the house.  And these, despite their opulence, were inexpensive and cost no more than I usually spend.

So what's the story?

Well, usually, a bunch as large as this would sit on the kitchen table.  Or have pride of place in the sitting-room.  But instead I've put them in the bathroom - purposely because having a big jug of roses in my tiny bathroom feels ludicrously decadent.  Makes them even more of a treat.

What gesture of extravagance will you lavish on YOU this weekend?

Reader Comments (1)

my splurge is two dates tomorrow- with two new guys. One at lunch 11:30 (Tex Mex) the other at dinner 7 pm (Italian). "Famine to Feast" or "Feathers to Pheasant " or even "Gilding the Lily" as they say.
The daffodils are glorious right now and our pair trees throughout the city are in bloom and the Elm trees are leafing out since the sun is shining. I am so glad Spring is near. This Sunday we "Spring Ahead" with daylight savings time and move our clocks forward an hour to gain that extra hour of daylight. That is a national splurge of sorts.
Roses in the bathroom is decadent. Drink lots of water so you can enjoy them all the more :-).

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterMarySunshine

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