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« Spring Week at Dixon Hill: 2 | Main | The Same View: March Update »

Spring Week at Dixon Hill: 1


It’s here and it’s official: spring has sprung!

This afternoon, I watched eleven small lambs charge about in one mad gang - dashing as a pack helter-skelter from one end of the field to the other, back legs bouncing out at crazy angles like topsy-turvy kangaroos. They were ridiculously excited; the very epitome of spring.

I came home and arranged long stems of pussy willow in a jug; then filled the house with daffodils by way of celebration. Then I sallied forth once more to deliver posies of spring flowers to elderly and sick friends.

I’m planning to carry on the celebrations all week by posting images of spring here on the blog. So check in daily for a shot of new life and optimism.

Reader Comments (2)

Looking forward to seeing some shots of lambs gamboling about! You don't see too much of that 'round these parts.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterKate (from Brooklyn)

Love your daffodil picture. How kind of you to deliver daffs to your friends. they are sure to bring a breath of spring especially when delivered by such a cheerful visitor.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterChesteraud

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