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Spring Week at Dixon Hill: 5


Now I know frogspawn doesn’t make for the most exciting photograph in the world, but you have to understand just how excited I am about the stuff this year. Not only is my little pool up on the moor full of frogs-in-the-making; but earlier this week, I discovered a good quantity of the caviar-like jelly in a ditch at the bottom of my very own field. And frogs. Big ones!

So I’ve turned into an avid frogspawn-watcher, checking daily to see if anything small and wriggly is swimming about in the muddy water yet. I appreciate that you may not feel quite so ecstatic about this lumpy slime; but if I fail to resist a compulsion to update you on the progress of all things froggy hereabouts…..well, you won’t be surprised, will you?

Reader Comments (1)

That lumpy slime makes for a gorgeous photo.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterkate (from Brooklyn)

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