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Lulu and I: The End or the Beginning?

(...or a week in the life of a Bailey Tomlin fascinator - see this post)

lulu and i

So….my week of wearing Lulu draws to a close. Just what have I learned from my fanciful experiment?

- Firstly, that Bridget makes very wearable art. If you’re in need of a fascinator for a swish occasion, she’s your girl!

- Whatever the reason de rigueur hats fell from fashion, it had nothing to do with impracticality. Lulu has been not an ounce of bother. And, in a strong wind, she stayed on my head better than any hat I’ve ever worn. Maybe it’s time women took to serious head adornment once more.

- We’re inclined to think that people notice us far more than they actually do. My over-the-top appearance barely registered with a lot of folk. Which was far more surprising than any reaction Lulu provoked.

- The solidarity of women is a magnificent thing. I was hugely touched and cheered by my friends’ supportive sporting of fascinators on Friday evening (there’d been a bit of opposition to Lulu’s prospective appearance in the pig pen!). And I’m still grovelling abjectly over having snapped no photos for you! Sorry!

- There may be places (and lifestyles) where Lulu would not be incongruous on a daily basis; but my locality is not one of them. Despite my history of fairly flamboyant hat-wearing, Lulu often felt a step too far. I gave up wearing her on the moors around Day 4; I just felt too much of a prize idiot. And I seemed to spend quite a bit of the week apologizing for my outlandish headgear. Perhaps I shouldn’t have done that - but I couldn’t help myself.

- There are, on the other hand, places and occasions where Lulu comes into her own. And - until my mode of living changes to something that will accommodate daily Lulu - I shall make the most of such settings and times. Tea at Betty’s, anyone? A weekend in Florence, perhaps…?

Reader Comments (3)

I think Lulu should come out every now and then. Not only is she housed in a very lovely hat box, but she is art herself. Maybe when you need to feel inspired you can pull her out of the closet.

This was a fun week and I love your thoughts on the matter.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterab*

Beautiful re-cap, Helen. Look at all the truths the experiment uncovered. And you thought it was frivolous!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterKate (from Brooklyn)

Dearest Helen, such fun and i really enjoy your column of Lulu and you! This is such a beautiful summary! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Wishing you a lovely merry week ahead! Love to you!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterjacqueline

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