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Time To Be Still

Time to be Still

The first few days of a new year are some of my favourites.  The excitement of the blank slate and all that.  A time for setting new intentions, dusting off old ones, preparing to step mindfully into an unknown future with optimism.

Fresh starts always feel good, but it’s more than that.  Evaluation is, I increasingly find, oh-so-important.  Taking time to take stock actually propels you forward far faster and to far greater effect than just charging on regardless.  Listening is the pre-requisite to speaking.  Being still essential before taking action.  And this is the time of year to indulge that stillness on a grand scale….to cosy up and let things mull, to meditate softly before the year unfolds.

Whether you make resolutions, set intentions, create goals or choose a word or phrase as your guiding star….revel in some serious still time this month.  Let the plans and the lists arise from a deep place within you.  I’m convinced your magic will shine all the more brightly in the year ahead.

Reader Comments (3)

Beautifully said Helen. I feel a bit behind in this regard--Too many pine needles, colds, and rushing around. My hope, and it looks that way, is that there will be a few moments soon to embrace the new year instead of feeling hurled into it. A few moments to refine my wishes and find the magic for 2012. May the magic find you in 2012 Helen. Hope you feel better as well.
Thank you for Your words and gorgeous photographs.

January 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKellen

Loving the positivity and gentle encouragement here today, Helen. I've created my list of guide words for the year, and am eager for the possibilities that the new year holds. But there is something about this time of year that really calls us to want to nest, cocoon, hibernate... not do a lot... LOL! I'm feeling a bit of that too at the moment, something about January... ;o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

January 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTracy

Beautyfully written! Just what I am into right now, and I so recognize what you say about the importance of evaluation. And yes, yes, let the plans and visions arise from that deep, deep place that know. Wonderful little gem. Hugs.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLise Meijer

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