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Where The Snails Live



This morning, a snail was crawling up the back door.  Nothing unusual there.  A couple more were clambering about the dustbin.  Par for the course.  But this afternoon….well, that was something else.

We had to move a heavy clay plant trough that’s been in situ for many years.  And there, clinging to the back of it, was an entire city of snails.  Seriously, there must have been at least a hundred.  All exquisitely marked and coloured.

I’ve never before thought of snails as sociable.  In fact, they’ve always seemed rather solitary.  Stuck to a window for days on end.  Alone.  Clearly, I was wrong.  This lot were snuggled one on top of another, their snail shells parked as close together as physically possible.  A complete snail society.

We hauled the trough to the other side of the house.  Which left me worried about that solo snail, half way up the back door.  Would he ever again find his snaily mates?

Couldn’t leave it to chance.  I unglued him from the glass and carried him down the garden.  Stuck him amongst the others.  Just hope I put him beside a sympathetic snail and not a snail he can’t stand.

Reader Comments (2)

Can't believe how beautiful the snails shells are. I've not looked this closely before. You are so kind and sympathetic to all forms of life

October 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAudrey Miller

Snails have a role in the environment. They are one of the important in a ecosystem. Also other people don't have any care about the snails, most of the people are killing them and destroy them and other people are eating snails. They said that it is very delicious.

October 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTanner

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