Egg and Tomato

I never ate eggs as a child. Horrid things! (Actually, it was the yolks that were disgusting - the whites were just about tolerable.)
The only time I would eat eggs was at children’s parties where, along with the ubiquitous jelly and ice-cream, egg and tomato sandwiches always seemed to feature on the menu. And those I liked.
Looking back, I don’t know why my mother didn’t capitalise on that aberrant liking and feed me egg and tomato sandwiches regularly. As a way of getting the egginess inside me. But she didn’t. So it was only on the merry-go-round of frilly dresses and party games that eggs and I got along.
These days I do eat eggs. I prefer them soft boiled and served atop a lentil salad or with steamed green veg like French beans or asparagus. A few weeks back, however, some boiled egg on my plate happened to collide with a tomato. And the combined taste catapulted me back to childhood and those forgotten sandwiches. Delight!
Since then, I’ve been deliberately recreating the mixture. Today the soft eggs and chopped tomatoes were mixed with a good dollop of pesto, some torn basil leaves and lots of salt and pepper. Who needs jelly and ice cream!
Reader Comments (1)
well the salad sounds delicious - but then I have always loved eggs!