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June – love it a little, loathe it a lot.



I have a love/hate relationship with June.  Actually, it’s far more of a hate relationship.

What I love is the burgeoning bloominess of it.  August may be when the moors are at their most colourful, but I think I actually prefer the landscape round here in early June - when the fields sway with buttercups and the hedgerows froth white with cow parsley, hawthorn blossom and elderflowers.

All that frothing and flowering, however, produce oodles and oodles of pollen.  And this is where I fall out of love with June.  In a BIG way. 

Since I was thirteen years old, I’ve suffered from chronically rotten hay fever (allergies).  Nothing I’ve ever tried (antihistamines, homeopathic remedies, NAET therapy, eating local pollen etc. etc.) has ever made the slightest impact.  Nothing, that is, except the steroids I was injected with throughout my teens (I swear I didn‘t know that‘s what they were!).  They worked like magic but wrecked my immune system and devastated my health in massive fashion.  Took me twenty years to get over that little lot.  Not good.

So each year I suffer.  Which is not a word I use lightly.  But applicable here.  It’s reached the point where, if I didn’t have my precious animals to consider, I would take off to the southern hemisphere for two months every year.  Endure some extra winter, just to escape the pollen.  It’s that gruesome.  I hate to wish my life away but, at this point in the calendar, I’m always longing for the back end of July.

So, as pretty as it surely is, can’t say I’m sorry to say goodbye to month number six.  Good riddance, June!

Reader Comments (1)

Ah, very understandable, Helen... not easy to enjoy high summer with allergies... Be taking good care ((HUGS))

June 29, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTracy

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