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Bumpkin Goes To Town

The metropolis

                                               Found some foliage in the end!


Yesterday, the Bumpkin (yours truly) found herself in the metropolis. Cities and I do not get along.  I always feel unutterably out of place in them.  Misshapen.  Unfashionable.  Wrong.  I prefer it when the ratio of sheep to people is roughly 100:1.  Actually, any sheep at all would have helped.

I was supposed to be buying clothes.  Which I usually buy from one or two local shops.  Zoom in and out.  Poof!  Or I buy via the internet.  But this time….well, we won’t go into that.  But there I was.  In the big city.  On a Saturday afternoon.  Where I walked past shop after shop because one glance through the door was more than enough.  Way too many people.  And not a single sheep in sight.  Do folk actually enjoy this?  I mean, are they truly there of their own volition?

I was eventually persuaded into one or two stores but walked straight through and out the other side.  In one shop, I did browse a bit and even tried on a jumper and skirt.  But the jumper made me look pregnant.  Which would be fine if I was.  But I’m not.

We stopped at Pret for a pit stop and ate outside in a dingy alley.  Grimy, noisy, busy.  And not nearly enough foliage for my liking  Are you getting my aversion to cities?

My feet led me involuntarily in the direction of the station.  I braved one more store and tried on a dress.  The effect was pretty much the same as the jumper.  I gave in.

Footsore and weary to the point of feeling ill after a measly two hours, I boarded the train empty-handed.  And vowing never again.  I’m clearly meant to have wellies on my feet and that’s all there is to it.  A country bumpkin I remain.

Reader Comments (4)

Ugh! Similar to my reaction Helen. Uk cities are for traveling through, simply to get to the other side! Good effort though, a couple of hours! ;-)

September 17, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAndy

Pretty heroic, I thought! ;)

September 17, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDixon Hill Girl

Oh, I had to laugh and cry along with you, Helen, as I can relate to this a bit. I was born a bumpkin, but lived in the city a while, which took some getting used to. Now living in a smaller place near the coast, which I enjoy, I find myself missing certain things about the city--cultural & food offerings especially. So cities are my destination of choice for long weekend--in 3-4 days I can stuff myself with all the offerings, then go home to more quiet, calmer surroundings. ;o)

September 17, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTracy

Now here you had me laughing loud Helen, I really wanted to bring you at least one sheep and sneak it into a shop on your way. Did I mention we have tons of sheeps just 1 min walk from out home? Every summer they camp here, are you now coming to DK?

Now, that said, you are quickly one of the gals I know who look most fashionable in wellies, actually I am sure that if you spent a little more time in that city, within a week a new trend would dictate at least one sheep in any clothe shop and wellies would suddenly become a non- duscussable part of the staffs uniform! XX

September 17, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLise Meijer

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