My Mooching Kit

Our meanderings about the moors are rarely protracted affairs. Which means I don't need a backpack stuffed with supplies.
There are, however, a few useful basics I almost always have with me.
iPhone. Best invention ever! Camera, tape recorder and notebook rolled into one. All my favourite camera apps are on there. I use Voice Memos to record ideas for blog posts or poems as I walk. And if there's too much wind noise to use Voice Memos, I scribble down my thoughts in Notes instead.
Florist's Scissors. Useful for snipping sprigs of heather or other foliage.
Gathering Bag. A plastic bag has lots of uses. I like the ones sold as poop bags for dogs. They're incredibly light and fold to next to nothing. They have integral handles which make carrying your loot really easy. And they're great for found and foraged treasure of all kinds - blackberries, bilberries, wild garlic and dandelion leaves, feathers and pine cones, etc. etc. Can even be used for their intended purpose if necessary!
Insect Repellent. An absolute essential round here at certain times of year. Midges are pesky beasts!
Reader Comments (1)
Love this! You really only need a few things to make a walk an expedition, full of treasures to find and take home! And talk about stylish insect repellent!