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Watching Sheep

On days when your to-do list is longer than both arms and legs put together...

On days when your mind is chasing its tail in circles until you feel dizzy...

On days when the planet is spinning so fast you fear you might fall off...

On days when your own small world is threatening to take over the big wide world...

On days like need something that halts the madness and puts life back into perspective.

For me, it's watching sheep.  What is it for you?


Reader Comments (3)

Dear Helen, you live in such a beautiful place...and the view of those lovely sheeps are so gorgeous...everything looks so peaceful and calm. Thanks for sharing this photo with us for it made me feel at peace and alot calmer. I usally would watch a movie or read a book. I like yours better :) watching the sheep. :) Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterjacqueline

I just take a breath, and remember that this moment, with all its seeming chaos, is utterly precious, simply because it is here at all - what a miracle that is.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterRosanna

Such a nice place and setting. Set up an Adirondack Chair just there, bring your blanket, thermos of hot tea and a good book and you have a perfect location for a delightful day. Thanks for sharing your corner of heaven with us today.
as a lover of absurdity and the English Language I appreciate this excerpt from poem: The Sheep
by Ellis Parker Butler
The Sheep adorns the landscape rural
And is both singular and plural—
It gives grammarians the creeps
To hear one say, “A flock of sheeps.”

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterMarySunshine

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