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The Walk to Conistone Pie

walk to consitone


Two dogs

Weak winter sun

A companionable drive into the Dales

Briefly lost

Directions from a helpful chef

The postcard perfect village

Steep scramble up a dry riverbed

Limestone gleaming in the sun

Trees bowed by years of winds

Snails, sheep, a startled pheasant

Kissing gates and stiles

The distant silhouette of a gigantic bird turns out to be a man with a gun

Conistone Pie at last - a rocky outcrop with a shape reminiscent of.....well, the obvious

Clamber up to see the cairn on top - laughably minute (less than a foot tall)

Views spread into the distance

A footpath for the descent

Dogs tracking unknown scents

A wall thick with moss by the churchyard

Tall monkey puzzle tree in a garden

Sleepy, deserted village

Red postbox, red telephone box, red cotoneaster berries

Off to a pretty shop for hot drinks and cake

Rain starts as we travel home

We've had the best part of the day.

Reader Comments (4)

Love this mosaic! Makes the dream of walking there (anywhere really) with you on a photo adventure someday seem more real.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterHeatehr

A perfect day, captured in pictures and words. You're so good at this!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterClaire

Wow Helen the walk looks so good!! I wish i came !

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca


I can't imagine a more beautiful walk. The lush green. The old stone buildings. Wow.
Thank you for sharing. Glad you had fun.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterKellen

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