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The 24th Door


When my brother and I were young, we shared an advent calendar. We’d take it in turns to open the doors each day and discover what pictures lay hidden there (no chocolate calendars in those days).

I don’t like to think I’m devious but, being older than my brother, I did cotton on several years before he did that whoever opened the even-numbered doors would get to open the invariably bigger door on Christmas Eve. And so each year on 1st December, I would graciously tell him, ‘You go first!’. He thought me so kind. Then wound up puzzled and complaining on the 24th. ‘She always gets the big doors!’

I’m blushing. And, if my brother is reading this, I’m sorry! Next time we share a calendar, I’ll go first.

These days, though, I get one all to myself. My mum still sends me one every year, even though I'm....well....old.  This year’s is a spectacular pop-up affair with jutting roofs and plenty of camels and sheep.

You know what? I’m going to save number 24. For my brother to open. For old times sake.

Reader Comments (5)

i find this so touching...
hearing your "advent calendar" story...
love, love...

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commentergem

Such a lovely post...and it made me smile and warm my heart! Thanks for sharing this with us! Have a lovely merry happy mid-week and love to yoU!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterJacqueline

that is too funny and oh so smart of you to kindly let him go first so you could score the big loot of chocolate! i love it!!!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commentervivienne

Hi Helen ,cunning plan! It's harder to work out when there's six of us ! x

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterEmily M

I love this story. Thanks for sharing. It's neat that your mother still sends you a calendar.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterab

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