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The Puddles of Life


I’ve just splashed my way through 177 puddles. I counted.

It’s been raining pretty incessantly for weeks here in Dixon Hill land. And for weeks I’ve been skirting those same puddles, trying to avoid the muddy water. I think that’s probably because my old wellies leaked and so puddle avoidance was a necessity. And old habits die hard. But today it occurred to me that in my new, deliciously-dry rubber boots, I no longer need to avoid the water. So I marched straight through, scattering far-reaching arcs of droplets in every direction with every step. And discovered that it’s actually far easier to splosh straight through. Your wellies don’t get so dirty, you don’t get bogged down in squelchy mud and it’s altogether a more pleasant adventure. Actually, it’s fun.

So as I splished and splashed and marched, I mused - upon our tendency to skirt the puddles of life, making things harder and less happy for ourselves in the process. The easiest thing is always to wade straight through. We get there faster, it’s a cleaner experience and the puddles are rarely as bad as we expect them to be.

Must remember that. 

Reader Comments (4)

This reminds me of a phrase my preacher used to say, "People get crooked just like rivers, by taking the easiest course around any obstacle." Thanks for sharing your heart through words.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterSusan

Something that we (infinitive) need to remember though is that we need the whole wellies to get through. Like strength or armor, and there are so many things in life that can build or deplete this. So if we better build each other up, or are more positive to ourselves, than we will have the ability to charge on through. Just something to think about. Wonderful post.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterLizzy

Well & truthfully said Helen. And I agree with Lizzy...fortifying ourselves in advance of those life puddles or maelstroms is essential. Then the I think I cans become the I know I cans. Indeed, a wonderful post for thought and discussion.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterMarySunshine

This post resonated with me today. I have had to wade through something I have feared for months and have come through the other end, far less bruised than I anticipated. .... I am now stronger and a bit more fearless. It's a good place to be. I think a bit of puddle splashing would do me good. I don't have any wellies, but who cares? I can do anything now. Thanks for this inspiration.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterMonica

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