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Lulu and I: How It All Began

(...or a week in the life of a Bailey Tomlin fascinator)

how it all began

It seemed a good idea at the time.

I was at the Country Living Spring Fair in London. Standing in front of a mirror on the Bailey Tomlin stand, I wondered out loud just when a girl could possibly wear the fabulous fascinator that crowned my head. A wedding, yes. Ascot, most certainly. But when else would you ever wear something so fantastic?

Bridget Bailey (top flight milliner, keeper of hens and thoroughly lovely lady) replied that, if you feel comfortable in a fascinator, you should just wear it - whenever you want to.  People will become used to it.

That argument struck a chord with me. I used to wear hats - quite extravagant hats - on a daily basis. I acted on the very principle Bridget was expounding. And it worked. People quickly became accustomed to my outlandish headgear. To the point where they were disappointed if they found me bare-headed. I even earned myself the nickname, Helen Hat.

So then someone floated the idea of wearing the fascinator in daily life and writing about the experience. ‘Aha! Helen already writes a blog!’ my friend exclaimed.

And so an experiment was born. This week - for an entire seven days, from getting-up until going to bed - I shall wear one of Bridget’s most stunning creations. The extraordinary flower in the picture above is not some previously undiscovered species of exotic Pennine flora. It’s Lulu - for so I’ve christened my new companion. Fascinator is, to my way of thinking, a rather clumsy word; and I figured Lulu would be a simpler and more intimate way to describe my lovely apparel throughout a week’s worth of blogging.

When, this afternoon, my husband found me photographing Lulu and I explained to him what I was proposing, he reminded me that we’re in the throes of a general election campaign. And intimated that he will be dealing with weighty and important matters at work this week. All of which means, I presume, that he thinks I should be taxing my head (and spending my time) with more serious subjects. Instead of prancing through the hellebores with a fascinator called Lulu.

I hold my hands up. I have no excuse. If you want sombre electoral discussion, dear reader, you must go elsewhere. This week I succumb to the frivolous.

But, if a shot of frivolity is what you need, check in on Lulu and I each day this week. And we’ll oblige.

Reader Comments (4)

Wonderful idea -it'd be lovely to see some pix of you modelling it!! Rachel :)

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterRachel

I love seeing LuLu atop the hellebore. Is that in your garden perhaps? They say it will grow here, but I find that very hard to imagine, since it is so much warmer year round here in North Central Texas....
Anyway, I think LuLu looks marvelous and you will enjoy her, if only the idea of her. I would not have the nerve to wear LuLu. Of course, my hair is straight and your locks are cascades of curls, so far more suited to LuLu and her twists and turns.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterMarySunshine

Yes, the hellebore's in our garden. They seem to thrive here. Get better every year. I particularly like that dark plummy-coloured one.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterDixon Hill Girl

Geez. I'm intrigued (and also quite frivolous). I have no idea what a fascinator is and no idea what to expect when you don it this week. I will be tuning in to find out.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterKate (from Brooklyn)

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