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Lulu and I: The Clothing Question

(...or a week in the life of a Bailey Tomlin fascinator - see this post)

clothing question

So what kind of clothes do you wear with a fantastic fascinator?

Well, unless you’re about to buy a whole new wardrobe (tempting, but no), you wear what you’ve got. Which, in my case, is mostly dresses. This morning I decided to throw myself an extra challenge and attempt to come up with a different outfit for each day of the experiment. My theory was that this would test Lulu’s versatility. But given that I have…ahem…rather a lot of dresses, concocting seven outfits proved to be no great trial. And, yes - I’ll admit this probably says more about the extensiveness of my wardrobe than about the hat’s adaptability!

So, the clothing question answered, Lulu and I embarked on Day 1. Which was a fairly typical Dixon Hill day.

It began by letting the hens out. In a muddy field. In my wellies. Then progressed to trudging across a moor in said wellies. With a dog. Then resolved into long hermit hours at my desk. With a cat. If Lulu felt the day was a little beneath her flamboyant fabulousness, she didn’t complain.

Today I discovered:

  • Lulu is tall. I found this out each time I climbed into the car or walked under the pergola!

  • Lulu is extremely comfortable to wear. At my desk, I kept forgetting she was there. I even tried to pull her down over my eyes, thinking it was my glasses perched up there.

  • Lulu can withstand a stiff breeze very well.

Reaction today:

  • Lulu was snarled at by a dog.

  • Lots more bees than usual buzzed around me as I tramped the moor.

  • A local farmer (the first person I encountered today) yelled the length of a very long field: ‘What have you got on your head?’ When I drew near enough for him to see exactly what I had on my head, he swore. Robustly. And with a look of utter disgust on his face. L

But we’re not daunted yet. Check back tomorrow for Day 2.

P.S. Today I'm taking part in Mosaic Monday, hosted by Mary at Little Red House.  Why not pop on over and take a look at some of the other lovely mosaics you'll find links to there?

Reader Comments (10)

Oh my gosh! I love LULU! Where did you get her, she is wonderful! :-)

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterMadi

Omigosh, how wonderful!!!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commentermary

Lulu's attached to a narrow headband, Kate. She just sits on top of my head. Very easy, very comfortable. :)

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterDixon Hill Girl

Is this the same farmer who doesn't like the heart-shaped window? They just don't know beauty when they see it.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterLauren

Lulu is Gorgeous, Helen! I love such things... Do hope day two went better! ;o) Happy Day

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterTracy

Gorgeous accessory, hilarious post. I love the reactions, from the dog to the bees to the farmer. Clearly, the don't see a lot of fascinators in the Dixon Hill area. How does it stay on your head?

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterKate (from Brooklyn)

Lulu is much bigger than I expected. This is a great experiment! I'm looking forward to the rest of the week.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterab*

Hello Helen Hat
Lulu is lovely on you. This week in fort worth we had our annual Main Street Arts Festival (
One of the exhibitors was again Diane Harty, a milliner. Her web site is (
I know you would have appreciated her work as well. Madi and I each have a couple of her hats and enjoy them. But they are not nearly as fru fru and frolicsome as LuLu.
Madi and I did not purchase any bonnets at Main Street this year, but did indulge our jewelry fetishes pretty thoroughly. :-) I am wearing today one of the new necklaces and a new pair of flower earrings.
Aren't we women lucky lucky lucky to be able to wear such creative, freeing, whimsical, feminine creations to express our joy in our inner selves or for whatever other reason we choose?
Thank you for sporting LuLu for us this week. I anticipate tomorrow's addition. mary

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterMarySunshine

Helen! I love this experiment (project? beauty? etc, etc!) SO much! Lulu looks awesome on you, with your golden curls and mischievous smile... and I was laughing out loud at that farmer!! HA HA! I can only imagine what the soccer moms in my town would be saying, if I were under Lulu's rapture. I would totally do it, too! (Although, I would have quite the challenge trying to outfit the rest of my body to match it's exquisiteness.) Love this. SO much. ;o)

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterdanielle

Oh my gosh! I love LULU! Where did you get her, she is wonderful!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commentermiu-miu-shoes

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