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Lulu and I: The Inside Story

(...or a week in the life of a Bailey Tomlin fascinator - see this post)

inside story

Some of you have been asking how Lulu stays on my head, so today I thought I’d let you take a peek at her intimate underside!

It’s basically just a sinamay-covered narrow band - which, fortuitously, is the same colour as my hair. It slips into place very easily and comfortably.

Lulu and I had a rather unglamorous morning, taking cardboard boxes to the recycling depot and running errands. But this afternoon I took my new companion to visit an old friend - in every sense of the word. Joan is 90 years old - and as vivacious and bright a 90 year old as you could ever hope to meet. She also happens to have a very impressive hat collection of her own and I knew she’d be thrilled to meet Lulu.

I wasn’t disappointed. She went into raptures about my lettuce-like chum. And I’m talking RAPTURES! Bolstered my confidence no end and gave me just the mid-project boost I needed. Thank you, Joan!

So…..the half-way point - Day 4. Here are my favourite comments so far:

  • ‘You should be on the cover of Vogue!’ (Joan, of course!)

  • ‘I hope you’re being well paid!’ (for blogging about this...)

  • ‘I think it’s divine.’

  • ‘You need to see a psychiatrist.’ (?)

And my favourite one of all:

  • ‘It doesn’t look at all ridiculous. It looks like….well, YOU!’

Reader Comments (4)

I found your blog this morning and feel like we are old friends. So, dear New Old Friend, thank you for your lovely voice. Your home page made me cry with your conversational beauty.
In case you are wondering how I stumbled upon your blog, I met Jolie at an art shop in Portland, Oregon. We talked art and traded cards. Her blog directed me to yours, with the entry explaining her purpose of the 100 day art blog. Another detail that might interest you is that I live in Alaska.
I'm so looking forward to reading your blog. Between you and Jolie, I'm thinking that I must start one of my own. Life is good and we are so blessed.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterSuzie

Happy Birthday!!! Love Lulu !!!!!!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterBecca

Yay for Joan! And thanks for sharing with us Lulu's inner workings.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterKate (from Brooklyn)

Happy Birthday! What a happy day to be wearing Lulu!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterab*

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