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Lulu and I: Inspired by a Lettuce

(...or a week in the life of a Bailey Tomlin fascinator - see this post)

inspired by lettuce

No, I haven’t grown tall and willowy overnight. Nor has Lulu turned green. The picture on the left is of the original fascinator made by Bridget - the one that inspired Lulu‘s creation.

When I asked Bridget to tell me more about how Lulu came into being, this is what she said:

‘(Lulu) was inspired by a lettuce leaf for a collection I made about food…..I found the wiggly edge has so much more charm than a straight one and thought the idea could come out in other colours.

The piece is made from sinamay, a fabric made from banana fibre and used a lot in millinery. The fabric is dyed first and then draped and shaped and the edge is rolled.

It takes about a day-and-a-half to make a piece like that. Rolling the edges is one of my special millinery skills. It really knackers your hands but I love the effect and it’s worth it.’

So…..I’m walking around with a lettuce called Lulu on my head. Better not tell the farmer that!

Today‘s highlight:

Lulu received her first e-mail. J

Today’s reaction:

One mild compliment

Two diplomatic remarks (‘It’s different!’ and ‘It’s unusual!’)

Several oblivious looks

Not a single snarly dog in sight!

Photograph by Martin Urmson

Reader Comments (3)

I love-love-love that you're doing this. It's like an experiment in whimsy.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterJenna/The Word Cellar

I thought this was the latest photo of you shopping in the local supermarket - then I realised it's not - you look prettier!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterjeand

I adore that lettuce inspired hat and bag. So chick and lovely! :) It's so fun reading how the creator came about such a wonderful design. Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!

p/s: i think lulu is gorgeous! :)

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterjacqueline

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