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The Same View: May


It’s been a blue sky day. Barely a cloud to be seen. And tonight I heard the first cuckoo of spring.

This morning, as I took the photograph above, a small, brown moth danced about my feet. Across to my right, a pair of lapwings performed their extraordinary acrobatics, never more than a few inches apart.

Overhead a distant aeroplane droned lazily; and, when I bent to stroke Joss, his coat smelled of sunshine.

Best of all, the temperatures are apparently set to soar over the next few days. So - fingers crossed - the grass may soon be lush after all.

The leaves aren’t tardy in appearing on the trees, though. Notice how bushy they've all become?

Here’s a reminder of how the scene has changed since January. sameviewmay2

Reader Comments (3)

Wow I had to come take a peek. I am searching for your name. Wow your environment is breath taking! (((((((( BIG HUGS )))))))

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterColette

Those bushy trees with their brightening greens make all the difference. Enjoy the warmer temps coming your way, Helen!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterKate (from Brooklyn)

This looks like a marvelous place to get some dreaming and thinking done.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterKathyB

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