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Joss' Delight

joss' delight

Joss, the dog, has a new obsession. The only things in his world better than hens are.....chicks!

The Hebridean lambs and their mothers have been moved to greener grazing; and, in their place, I now have charge of two tiny hens-in-the-making: one yellow, one black.

Joss is entranced. If allowed, he would spend 24 hours a day with his head hung over the edge of the cardboard box that’s currently their home, his ear brushing the heat lamp that’s keeping them warm.

I’d forgotten just how exquisite a sound these babies make; how incredibly soft their fluffy down; how chick yellow is the most appealing shade of yellow there is.

Checking on them regularly is our current joy. Thinking about them all the hours in between is making Joss a very happy dog indeed.

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