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When It Matters

when it matters

Sometimes, it’s not until you’re told that you can’t have something….or can’t do something…that you realise just how desperately you want to have or do the thing in question.

It’s happened twice in my life - that I’ve been told, ‘No…you can’t do that’. And I’ve suddenly found that this thing is achingly important to me and I can’t countenance carrying on for the rest of my life without it.

The first time it happened, I went after what I wanted regardless, and it has turned out to be one of the greatest sources of comfort and joy in my life.

So now, as I find myself in that situation for a second time, experience tells me that I’m right to pursue the thing for which my heart hankers, the thing which - until a few days ago - was only at the periphery of my awareness, yet which has suddenly become so urgently important to me. Experience tells me that, if I go after this, it too will turn out to be an immense source of reward and satisfaction for me.

So if, when you’re told you can’t do what you want, the bottom unexpectedly drops out of your world……go after it with every ounce of your being. Because this one matters. It matters a lot.

Reader Comments (6)

Thank you for this wonderful reminder to listen to and follow our heart's wish, Helen! I hope your situation becomes the beginning of great new journey! Reading this post is timely, for I am at a crossroads with a creative endeavor and my need to make some new changes and take a new path... scary, but trying to allow the excitement and possibilities surface and reign. Happy Days :o)

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterTracy

Amen to that. The 'no' that inspires the BIG yes.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterKate (from Brooklyn)

Yes! I say go for it with all your heart.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterab*

YES! You Go, Girl!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

your heart is telling you something.... do listen to it! sending you love... ~ali

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterali

Follow the dream. Listen to your heart.
Lovely photo and even lovelier message for us today dear one.
thank you.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterMarySunshine

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