Tuesday, May 4, 2010 at 11:16 PM
It’s frrrrrustrrrrrating. In the extrrrrreme.
One life skill I’ve never mastered is rrrrrolling my rrrrrs. Years of Frrrrrench lessons got me nowhere. Now I’m learning Italian and my ability to perform the alveolar trrrrrill seems more lacking than ever.
I’ve been rrrrresearching this (that means I googled it). And my rrrrresearch tells me there’s no earthly rrrrreason why I shouldn’t be able to do it. It’s just a matter of strrrrrengthening the apprrrrroprrrrriate muscles in my tongue. Hmm…
So I’m after advice. However ludicrrrrrous. Just how does one rrrrroll ones rrrrrrrrrrrs???
Reader Comments (3)
This is such a cute post and it got me laughing really hard. Because im having the same "rrrrroll" the muscles in my tongue with my learning German language! And i tot i was the only ONE on this planet earth having such a problem. Have a lovely merry happy day and love to yoU!!
WONDERFUL POST! Well, I admit to being a fabulous rrrrr roller. it is quite one of my better talents. :-)
Can you purrrrrr like a cat with that thrumming D action at the front of your tongue?
You know the rolled r to me seems much closer to a flutter d than an r. An R is at the middle of the roof of your mouth sort of,. don't you think? The d is tongue to the spot just behind your front teeth like an L postiion. If you multiply the D it is too separated and staccato, but if you open your mouth/lips and blow from the back of your mouth in the D position you just might get it to work with some practice. Then you can hum and do it and then Voila you are rolling your rrrrs and purrring and speaking in the languages of L'amore like a pro. Good Luck!
No idea how you remedy that. But I love the little rrrr waves rolling throughout your post and making it look so pretty.