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The Green (2)

the green 2

There’s excitement in Dixon Hill land. The tawny owls I spotted last week are nesting on The Green.

The local tree surgeon found one of the babies lying on the ground the other day; so he picked it up and popped it back into the nest above - in the hollow of a tree trunk.

The next day, there was the hapless little owl again - back on the floor. Noticing that the nest was something of a tight squeeze, he surmised that its two bigger siblings were pushing it - the weakest of the three - out, so that they would have room to grow.

Fortunately, a local owl sanctuary has taken in the abandoned one; and the parents are assiduously feeding the bolshier two.

Which means they’re about the field all day, on the lookout for small rodents. And at night we fall asleep to their hooting.

Reader Comments (6)

I love this picture. Aren't you lucky having them so close that you can study their habits? I look forward to hearing more news about the little ones.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterjeand

Man, nature is cruel. I am happy to hear the littlest one found a more accommodating home. The photo is beautiful -- something so unreal about the owl... it's like an idealized version of Owl.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterKate (from Brooklyn)

Andrew keeps wanting to see the picture of the owl.
We used to hear one at our old house but could never see him.
I think he doubts they really exist.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

I've always love owls. They just seem so special to me. Love the picture! (Hope whatever bug you had is all gone now!)

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterRosanna

I really want to know why the owl appeared during the day.

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterandy

[...] was born in the same nesting spot in the hollow of a tree trunk as last year’s tawny owls.  Managed to fall out of it like one of last year’s brood, too (did he fall or was he [...]

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