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« The Green (2) | Main | Joss' Delight »

The Green (1)

the green 1

This is The Green. It’s the field behind our house.

It’s a lovely field; one that I walk through often. And I always appreciate its charms. But last week I got to know it more intimately.

I was poorly for a couple of days - some bug or other. It meant I couldn’t take Joss for his usual walks. So, instead, I wobbled the few steps from our door onto The Green several times each day. And hung about while Joss did the things that dogs have to do.

It’s amazing the difference that hanging about made. I began to see things I’d never noticed before. How wonderfully wonky and irregular the tiles on a nearby roof are; the buttercups hiding shyly amongst the dandelions; Cabbage White butterflies dancing in the sunshine.

Best of all, as dusk closed one night, I came upon a pair of tawny owls. One owl was perched on a telegraph wire spanning the field; the other was on a low tree branch just a couple of yards from my face. I’ve never before been so close to an owl in the wild. We stared at one another for what seemed like forever. Pure magic.

Feeling grotty is no fun; but I love the way that when our world temporarily shrinks, we’re forced to see familiar things in fresh ways; and to spot things which were there all along but which had gone unrecognised.

In the end, those two days of feeling rough turned out to be a real gift.

Reader Comments (3)

Beautiful post, Helen. And so glad you're feeling better!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterKate (from Brooklyn)

Such a lovely swet post!! I am really really happy you are feeling better! I've been feeling very good either.I love that gorgeous photo you share here with us! Have a lovely merry happy week and love to you!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterjacqueline

Just catching up....
A sweet post! I love the moments when we "stop to smell the roses." Beautiful pictures to go along with beautiful words.
Love to you from half a world away!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

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