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My ABC Of Important Things

My Beloved Piano

Wholly inspired by Susannah Conway’s post of the same title last week, here’s my version:

A is for Animals.  Joss the dog and Nettle the cat.  They’ve travelled to America and back with me. They’re the best companions I could ever wish for.  I love them with a passion.

B is for Books.  Life-long love affair.  And as for bookshops….

C is for Colour.  It rocks my world.

D is for Dixon Hill.  The house that turned into a blog that turned into a business.

E is for E-courses.  Love doing them.  Love creating them.  Very proud of Falling Into Place.  Next one’s in the pipeline.

F is for Fruit, Films, Flip-flops, Family, Friends. So many good and important things begin with F.

G is for Gratitude.  Powerful, transformative stuff.  (Also for Glasses.  Sad to say, but these days I can’t read a thing without them.  Which makes them about the most important thing I own.  Sigh!)

H is for Health.  Having lost so many years of my life to illness, this is something I never take for granted.

I is for Instagram.  My social media comfort zone.  The single biggest reason I now feel qualified to call myself a photographer.

J is for Jumping Up and Down.  Any exercise I do has to be fun and non-competitive.  Bouncing on my rebounder puts a big smile on my face.  As does hula-ing in my hoop.

K is for Kate.  Best mate and companion for the journey.  I waited many years for a friend like Kate.  Definitely worth the wait.

L is for Lists.  Where would I be without them?!

M is for the Moors.  They’re my daily fix of beauty; my space to think; the place I get to spend time with my dog; the reason I’m primarily a landscape photographer; the heart of my blog.  Oh, and an excuse to wear my wellies every day.

N is for Network.  The inspiration and encouragement that abound amongst the online creative community are truly amazing.  And act as rocket fuel.

O is for Overcoming.  Of all the things of which I’m proud, I’m most proud of overcoming all the bad stuff life‘s thrown my way.  There’s been a fair bit of it.  But I’m still here.  And I’m still smiling.

P is for Piano.  Mine’s currently in storage.  Lost without it.  Can’t wait to have it back.

Q is for Quiet.  I’m a country girl.  I’m a homebird.  I spend lots of time alone.  And I like it quiet, please.

R is for Radio.  Except, that is, when I want the radio on.  Classic FM.  Radio 4. My life is richer for you both.

S is for Support.  From my husband.  My parents. My friends.  None of us succeeds alone in this world.  Massively grateful to all of the above.  Whom I love dearly.

T is for Technology queen!  Who’d have thought it?  I LOVE my laptop, iPad, iPhone.  And the worlds and opportunities they open up.  So happy to be of the generation that’s wowed by this stuff.  (In the past folk didn’t have it; in the future they’ll take it for granted.)

U is for Upside.  There’s always one.  Important to find it.

V is for Vitamix.  Kitchen stalwart.  Source of daily smoothies and juices.

W is for Work.  I love working.  If writing and taking pictures constitute work.  Which apparently they do.

X is for eXcellence.  I strive for it always.

Y is for Yorkshire.  The county I’ve called home for the greater part of my life.

Z is for that particular shade of Zesty, Zingy lime green you’ll find on my blog.  And my handbag.  And my purse.  And half my wardrobe.  And with which I’m slightly obsessed.

Reader Comments (7)

Lovely to follow all the sweet insights you reveal in this post. H for Helen, healing, hope and happiness!

January 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLise Meijer

Great list Helen! The New Year is a great time for taking stock and reminding ourselves of just how much we have already achieved. You're a star :)

January 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterClaire

I'm sure you could add many more important things to your list. Made me think how important it is to remind ourselves how lucky we are Thank you Helen

January 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterChesteraud

A GREAT alphabet catalogue of happy this list, Helen. I never used to be a green person, but I love lime green more and more. ;o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

January 20, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTracy

helen, this is beautiful!
i love that you and Kate have eachother...i too waited what seemed to be an entire lifetime to find my soul-sister.
i also love the reflection of the flowers in the photo! so beautiful! thinking of you...

January 21, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

I relate to "G" the most these days. (Gratitude AND the Glasses! Yep, me too. Just started needing them 3 months ago.)

February 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRosanna

Your ABC list reminds me of something that was going around on Facebook last year. It's "25 Random Things" that you don't know about me. Here is mine. (You will need to be logged into FB to see it.)

Would be interesting to see your "25 Random Things" list!

February 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRosanna

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