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The Wisdom of the Spindly Tree

The Spindly Tree

(Observed putting forth buds in the midst of a terrific storm.)

Don’t be distracted by what’s happening around you. Don’t make excuses or wait for another day. Focus quietly on the job in hand. Stick to your purpose. Go gently but doggedly about your business.

Then, when it’s time to blossom, you’ll be ready.

Reader Comments (3)

LOVELY reminder, Helen! This year I'm all about dropping the craziness of multitasking... allowing each day to unfold and bloom. :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

January 20, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTracy

This caught my eye on twitter Helen! Wonderful wisdom, thank you for sharing.

January 20, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKat Sloma

Oh my, I really needed to read this today! Thank you ever so much. I have been in such a slump lately...not taking any new photos or writing in my journal or finishing some e-courses I've been taking. I did however take a knitting class today!!! I only mastered one stitch...well, not exactly mastered. I'm going to practice like crazy. But when I came home and decided to check out my favorite blogs....bam...your true and heartfelt. Now I need to start focusing, stop making excuses, and get back to what I love!!

January 24, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAngela Vular

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