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Features of the Landscape: The Moors

The Moors

I thought this year I’d take you on a tour of some of the features that make up the Pennine landscape – those things which contribute to its unique identity.

Of course, there’s only one place to start – and that’s with the moors.  Stretching for mile upon mile across the Pennine hills, the moors are synonymous with this area’s bleak and rugged beauty.  It’s a bleakness some find too harsh, but which others love.

The moors by definition cover upland areas where the climate is too hostile for cultivation.  There are few trees.  Just mile after wild mile of heather and bilberries and coarse grass.

Hardy breeds of sheep can survive on the terrain; and gamekeepers monitor the numbers of grouse and other game birds.  But mostly, the moors are deserted places – home to wild animals and visited only occasionally by hikers and dog walkers.

I’m one of those who has been seduced by the spare beauty of the moors.  Who revels in their changing moods and can find endless interest in their stark aspect.  But that, I’m sure, is patently obvious.

Reader Comments (3)

The new site is beautiful - as are your photos. Enjoy your new year!

January 25, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBethany

Spectacular, Helen! Gorgeous light...*swoon*... Looking forward to more in this new series you're starting! And lovely new, fresh look here too! :o) Happy Days

January 25, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTracy

I too would like to say a special tank you to your husband for making it possible to see your lovely pictures and writings

January 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAudrey Miller

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