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The Russian Songs

Singing My Songs

This is probably a little off-the-wall but, if you sing in the shower, then maybe you’ll understand.

I don’t, as it happens.  Sing in the shower, that is.  But I do sing when I’m traipsing the moors - strictly when there’s no-one about, of course.  I stroll along making up little ditties as I go.

However - and this is rather strange - they mostly come out sounding very Russian.  At least, to my ears.  I daresay if you were actually Russian, they might not sound remotely so.  But they’re my idea of Russian.

It’s totally unintentional.  And a bit of a mystery. It’s not as if I’m in the habit of listening to Russian music (well, not that sort).  They just appear.  Slavic melodies stream from my mouth - completely different to the stuff I compose at the piano.  And even the words (oh, yes, there are words!) sound Russian to me.  Utter gobbledegook, of course, but Russian-sounding gobbledegook.

Anyway, the thing is this.  A few weeks ago, I lost my voice (you may remember).  Well, my speaking voice has just about returned - albeit huskily.  But I still can’t sing.  And I’m really missing my Russian songs….

(Told you it was off-the-wall!)

Reader Comments (2)

Smiling over here. I can totally imagine you trotting along, singing these russian songs. To my imaginary ears they sound soothing to the soul. Your soul and others, should we ever be lucky enough to hear one. Are you sure you are not quarter russian by soul? Hope the songs will soon return to you (maybe try russian dancing till they do, no??)

January 30, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLise Meijer

Would LOVE to hear your "Russian" songs!
(And glad your voice is back.)

February 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRosanna

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