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Farewell to the Studio

The Studio

Joss and I took one last look out of the French windows at the studio today then handed over the keys.  It’s time to move on!

I’ve had the studio for 18 months (can you believe it?!) and it’s been great.  I’ve taught piano classes and craft workshops, met with artistic friends and worked on my own projects.  The little building has served a valuable function.

But my creative focus has shifted during that time from music teaching and crafts to photography and writing.   A new space beckons and new ways of using it. The external move is simply reflecting what’s going on within.

So grateful, though, for the time spent here….the armchair by the windows, the walks along the reservoir.  But even more excited about what lies ahead!

Reader Comments (2)

Wow..I've always wanted a studio. As we evolve as artists our needs and creative endeavors change. I know mine have changed throughout the years. Congratulations on your new creative ventures!

February 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAngela Vular

Wonderful space, the BIG doors/windows! While it can be a bittersweet thing, moving, it can be refreshing for the spirit--to know when you're reading for something/someplace new is exciting. :o) Wishing you all the best finding your news space ((HUGS))

February 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTracy

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