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My Robin Redbreast

My robin


Ta-da!!!  He must have heard me – rattling on about how I longed to get a picture of him and was so frustrated because he wouldn’t let me.  This weekend, my robin friend finally allowed me to shoot two super quick snaps with my iPhone.  Then he was off.  (No Bird Photo Booth required!)

Every morning, this chap waits for me to pour seed onto the stone pillar by the field gate.  If I’m late or – heaven forbid - I forget, he sits outside the window of whichever room I happen to be in and reminds me.  And if he fancies an extra snack during the day, he’ll appear on the wall immediately in front of my car as I clamber in or out.  Polite but insistent.  And absolutely not shy.

I have to tell you, this little fella brings me more joy than just about anything else in my world.  More than any of my exotic travels or adventures.  To have a connection – an understanding - with a wild creature is an immensely special thing.  A huge privilege.  To have a picture to remember him by is the icing on the bird cake.

Reader Comments (4)

Beautiful Helen, You ought to have ths picture made into a personal Christmas card

November 22, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAudrey Miller

LOL! You're the second person to suggest that, Audrey. Perhaps I will!

November 22, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDixon Hill Girl

First of all this picture is amazing , and secondly this relationship you have there with this little birdy is simply out of this world. Just reading this made me so happy , I can imagine how much joy he must be bringing you.
In our new home we can see a flurry of actitvity in the garden of little birds. And one of our agenda's is definitely to attract more of them . Do you have any particular suggestions at all maybe for his kind.
Thank you so much for sharing this picture and a special thank you to the little birdy for posing .

November 23, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermansi shouche

Hi Mansi,

So glad my little robin brought you pleasure, too. He’s very special.

As for attracting robins, I’m afraid I have no secret to share. All I do is tip a pile of sunflower seeds onto the wall top each morning. I get all kinds of birds turning up....and several squirrels as well! I’ve read that robins like fruit and mealworms. I’ve also read that it’s possible – with patience – to persuade a robin to eat from your hand. I think there’s a very good chance my little chap would trust me enough to do that so I plan to try it very soon.

I wish you much joy of the birds in your garden. Mine are a constant source of delight to me!

November 23, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDixon Hill Girl

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