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The Olympic Torch Relay

The Olympic Torch Relay


The Olympic Torch Relay passed our way today.  Thousands of people lined the streets to cheer it on its way.  It was quite the spectacle!

The torch is being carried around the UK by 8,000 ‘inspirational people’.  A few are celebrities; but, for the most part, the torch is being carried by folk who’ve made a massive contribution to their local communities or overcome serious adversity in some way.  The photo shows Rodger Davies, an athlete and businessman who's raised a ton of money for charity over the years and continues to do so despite now being ill.  He was one of three torchbearers to carry the flame through our local town.

It's left me musing all day on the notion of 'inspirational people'.  Who inspires me?  Why do they inspire me?  What would it take to become an inspirational person?

How about you?  Who inspires you?

Reader Comments (3)

Who inspires me ? More than celebrities , I get inspired by ordinary people just like the gentleman pictured in your post . Like a friend who no matter what runs , runs for charity , for himself everyday , who has sacrificed his personal leave to be a volunteer at the Olympics , a couple friend who donate to an orphanage religiously every year and don't harp about it , another couple friend who are always smiling inspite of adversities and listening to your problems , my brother who overcame a lot of obstacles to become who he is today , my husband who still smiles inspite of having lost his mother ..... I could go on and on but I am always inspired by the strength and courage of normal people and they are my brotherhood, and I love to be surrounded by them and draw inspiration and strength from them .

June 25, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMansi

What a wonderful answer, Mansi! Couldn't agree more!

June 25, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDixon Hill Girl

So many inspirational people have been torch bearers including the grandson of some friends of mine. Daniel, who has muscular dystrophy and has been confined to a wheelchair for the last few years, has achieved more in his 17 years than most of us can hope to in a lifetime. However I find his parents, Susan and Ian, even more inspiring. They both have busy, responsible jobs yet have devoted themselves to Daniel and ensured he has as many opportunities as possible. They have sacrificed their leisure time to take him to the various clubs and groups he belongs to and helped him to become the inspirational person that he is. Besides this they have ensured that Daniel's younger sister Sophie never feels left out and helped her to further her interests. They, and all the other families behind the torch bearers, who have given constant support over many years, are a true inspiration and the real unsung heroes.

June 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterjeand

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