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Meditation and Movement



A friend confided in me, the other day, that she’s feeling angry and frustrated at the moment.  And she’s trying to decide what would most help her work through those emotions.  Should she go to the local Buddhist centre and learn some super advanced meditation techniques?  Or should she turn up at the local gym and register for kick boxing lessons?

I giggled.  The juxtaposition seemed hilarious.  How absurd that her path to one goal should be a choice between two such apparently contradictory actions.

But this morning, after I’d sat on the roof terrace as the sun rose over the valley, legs in lotus position, centred and still…..then climbed onto my rebounder and danced about in happy fashion for 20 minutes….I realised that her choice was not, after all, so bizarre.  Meditation and movement.  There’s a balance in each.  And somewhere between the two, we find equilibrium.

I shall tell her to sign up for both.

Reader Comments (1)

Nice to have you back! I've missed your musings :)

September 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterClaire

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