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Summer Catch Up

Ice Cream Convoy


I’m back!  Back in the land of blogdom.

I’d planned to take the summer off….but summer only arrived here two days ago.  The whole country has had a pretty dire season.  But here in the Pennines we seem to have had it worst of all.  I’m now convinced we have the foulest weather on the entire planet.  For months, it’s been relentlessly grey with rain almost every day.  I’ve been trogging the moors in a winter coat and even, on occasion, gloves and scarf.  Some days Joss and I haven’t bothered at all.

Meanwhile, I’ve drooled over Instagram pictures of foreign friends in summer frocks and sunshine.  Read, with growing irritation, blog posts about picnics and outings to the beach.   Dismissed complaints of too hot weather with a snarl.  Wanted to slam the phone down on family in other parts of the UK who’ve said, ‘Isn’t it a lovely day!‘  No!  No!  No!  It’s not!!!

BUT….just when we’d given up hope altogether, summer has come!!!  And the relief is palpable.  People are happy!  I drove across the moor last night behind a cavalcade of ice cream vans.  It feels like one of those cataclysmic events that brings the nation together and makes even grumpy folk talk to strangers.

The weather gurus tell us the Indian summer is supposed to last for the rest of September ‘down south’.  Here ’up north’, we’re crossing everything for a few lingering weeks of sunshine.  While the rest of the hemisphere slips into autumn, we need to play summer catch up.

Reader Comments (2)

Hi, Helen...welcome back! Ah, it's been the same here too... the summer that never was...LOL! We've had two weeks for what could go for summer weather & temperatures. Otherwise it's been dull & dismal. And autumn is on the doorstep here already with chilly evenings & mornings...bbbrrr... I'm not ready just yet. ;o)

September 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTracy

Lovely to have you back again. What a miss you have been, but everyone deserves a break and I hope you have enjoyed yours despite the awful weather, but ah ha sunny september has lifted our spirits.Hope the sunshine continues and you get out on the moors again

September 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAudrey Miller

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