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Lulu and I: Go to Town

(...or a week in the life of a Bailey Tomlin fascinator - see this post)

go to townI spotted this hat box in the window of a charity shop (goodwill store) this morning. I just had to get it for Lulu!

I’ll admit it. Yesterday I skulked a little. I was happy to stay at home with Lulu and see as few people as possible.

But today, I decided to take my courage in my hands - or rather to put my courage on my head - and venture into town (had no choice, really - the fridge was bare).

Now my nearest town is not the kind of place where one wears a fascinator. It’s neither the cosmopolitan sort of place where anything goes; nor a trendy place where a fascinator might be considered cool; nor even a quaint, old-fashioned kind of place where Lulu might be a charming anachronism; a throwback to an age when ladies wore fetching hats and gloves; paid visits and took tea.

No, it’s none of these. So I was a little daunted at the prospect of shopping there. Did I feel self-conscious with Lulu atop my locks? Definitely. Did I survive the experience? Yes!

Reaction today:

  • Lulu was snarled at by another dog.

  • Two ladies said I looked pretty (I think they were being polite).

  • One lady went into genuine raptures over Lulu. Was totally taken by her. That cheered me no end. J

  • But…most of the people I encountered today didn’t bat an eyelid. It was exceedingly odd. ‘Are they walking around with their eyes closed?’ I asked myself. ‘Do they think I look normal?!!!’

For the next instalment in this mysterious saga, check back tomorrow…

Reader Comments (4)

Were I to see you and Lulu making your way down the street, I would say ooh-la-la, Lulu . . .

As I viewed your beautiful scenes of Italy last week, I wondered "what sort of hat does Helen wear in the spring . . ." Thank you for answering. It accents your hair beautifully, and I absolutely adore the word "fascinator."


January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterKathyB

It's been a while since i visited you here and i was reading and catching up on all that i miss. I am in love with LULU! Soooo pretty and you look gorgeous with lulu! That box is perfect. :) I really do enjoy reading your column on Lulu and you! Have a lovely merry happy week and love to yoU!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterjacqueline

I really love this box it's as pretty as the fascinator. On second thoughts please don't be tempted to wear the box on your head next or pwople really will be giving you strange looks!

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered Commenterjeand

What a funny thought - you walking though an English village with Lulu. I love it! If you came around these Jam & Jerusalem parts I'm sure the effect would be the same, but I would have to stop you and tell you she is fabulous.

Victoria x

January 1, 2000 | Unregistered CommenterVictoria

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